KS inbjudna till Urban Futures Forum
Rundabordssamtal om nya möjligheter för hållbar urban utveckling
Kjellander Sjöberg är inbjudna att delta i The Copenhagen Urban Futures Forum för att dela med sig av sin kunskap inom hållbar stadsutveckling. Arrangörer är Danmarks Miljödepartement, Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) och Futureperfect. Forumet är en interaktiv diskussion och konsultation med syftet att nå handlingsinriktade rekommendationer inom prioriterade delområden: liveability och urban form, resurseffektivitet, klimatanpassning, infrastruktur, samarbetsformer och hållbara livsstilar.
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”We are facing enormous challenges both environmentally and economically, and I truly believe that a greener economy with more focus on resource efficiency, effective solutions for handling climate change, and an overall focus on sustainability is the way forward. It is clear that our cities will be incredibly important in implementing green economy in our everyday lives. If we are to achieve the best results, we have to share our best practices and experiences with other pioneers in sustainable city development. This forum will allow us to get valuable input to our continued work with creating more sustainability in our cities”. – Ida Auken, Minister for Environment, Denmark
Urbanism – the design, development, inhabitation and adaptation of cities – has, across the 20th and early 21st century, become the terrain where most of society’s questions converge. Copenhagen and Denmark have become associated with successful answers to these questions, pioneering models of urban morphology, lifestyle, and economics, blended with long-term commitments to sustainable infrastructure and energy, and social justice and progress.
The Copenhagen Urban Futures Forum is an informal, high-level roundtable on new options for sustainable urban living, to be held Monday 7 October, 2013 for around 40 invited guests in Copenhagen. The event is a consultation initiative of the Danish Ministry of the Environment (MIM) in collaboration with Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), Resource Vision sustainable architects, and the Futureperfect Association (Sweden). Support is also received from the U.S. Embassy to Denmark.
The following are the themes and emerging questions that the Forum will address.
1 Liveability & Urban Form
2 Resource Efficiency & Infrastructure
3 Climate Adaptation
4 Asset-light Living & Internet
5 Business, Trade & Investment