Think Tank 024

Rosengård – a neighbourhood for all

Local initiatives, communities, learning and culture


This edition of the KS Think Tank is a part of the Malmö in the Making initiative taking place during September 2023.

How do we make a neighbourhood for everyone? Focusing on the Rosengård district in Malmö, welcome to an open conversation about opportunities for local initiatives, better communities, learning, culture and entrepreneurship.

What obstacles are there in the physical environment that prevent kickstarting initiatives which bring people closer together and strengthen the local community, intensifying activities in shared meeting places? Where all ages are welcome and can find their place? Where children and young people feel seen and can contribute to their environment. How can we create places and opportunities for local entrepreneurship, small industries and workplaces? How can learning be accessible for all and evolve over time?

Which environment do we want and need? Welcome to join!


Panel Guests:
Aisha Mossberg (Goto 10)
Laura Kieler (BRIQ)
Jenny Berg Nilson (Fryshuset)
Carin Daal (Stena Fastigheter)
Halimo Nuur Bashir (Rosengårds Folkets Hus)
Marcus Horning (Malmö City)


Time and place:
28th September – 5:00 pm
Design Built pavilion
Bennets väg 13
213 67 Malmö


RSVP here before Wednesday 27th September