Kjellander + Sjöberg Architects
Tomas Lauri, Arvinius förlag, 2011
220 sidor färsk från tryckeriet! Boken ges ut på Arvinius förlag.
Redaktör Tomas Lauri, texter av Hans Ibelings, Olivier Namies och Tomas Lauri
Grafisk form Nille Svensson
Foto av Adam Mørk m fl
”Kjellander + Sjöberg Architects are considered innovators of swedish architecture. During more than ten years, they have created an architecture far from the obvious, that lasts over time after a long period of daily use. It´s an architecture where housing, social issues concerning how we live our lives and our need to participate in public life is central. Architecture should come close. It should intensify and improve everyday life. ”Kjellander + Sjöberg let architecture be what it should be”, says Hans Ibelings in one of the book´s essays.”
Internationellt kommer boken att distribueras av Actar Birkhäuser.