Klara Strand
Klara Strand is being developed into a vital key point in central Stockholm. It’s situated between the Stockholm Central Station development area and Klarabergsgatan stretching further towards Kungsholmen and with connections to the waterscape of Klara Sjö.

Urban acupuncture and a long term gradual development
Kjellander Sjöberg’s assignment is to, by various means and on various scales, integrate the Klara Strand city block more clearly into the urban fabric. The proposal revitalizes the surroundings by opening up the block, adding new programmes, businesses and urban content as well as by creating new flows. The collaboration with the property owner NIAM aims to create a long term, multifunctional, vibrant urban block which helps to extend the city center; granting the property an important role as a public destination with rich urban qualities for all city residents.

A new open bazaar and an interior street
In the initial stage of the project, a secluded entry corridor is transformed into a sequence of active public spaces running through the entire block – an interior street with meeting places – while conjoining and directing flows of urban life from Klarabergsviadukten to Blekholmstorget. The vision is to turn the building inside out so that the life in its interior extends outside to the surrounding streets. A new bazaar with commercial programmes is designed by the main entrance from Klarabergsgatan, comprising a foyer, café, shops and meeting places, all with individual, flexible opening hours.
A respectful and substantial addition
The proposed façade renovation opens up for more natural light and social interaction, creating interior seating niches, while introducing a new level of detailing and scale. Businesses facing the side street open up with large storefronts and welcoming entrances both to the new commercial spaces as well as interior light wells.