New Eriksberg
The child optimized community
Kjellander Sjöberg has, in collaboration with Urbio, Urban Minds and Iterio, developed a playful child optimized urban planning proposal in the invited competition for New Eriksberg in Uppsala, commissioned by Uppsalahem.
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Eriksberg is a popular neighbourhood in central Uppsala, built in the late 50’s. Forthcoming renovations of Uppsalahem’s portfolio of 1,500 homes and a proposed addition of 2,000 new homes, offer an opportunity for innovation and sustainable urban development where a holistic approach is requested. A development that is careful, transparent and democratic, in dialogue form, where the existing values are maintained and enhanced.
Our vision for New Eriksberg involves a long-term process aimed at creating a vibrant community with diversity, green qualities and liveability. The area will have a varied content with potential for different types of businesses, residences, residents and lifestyles. Through mixing forms of tenures, creating a variety in urban spaces, buildings and architecture from different periods, a rich and complex neighbourhood will emerge from a forward-looking and robust strategy. All urban spaces have been designed on the basis of optimizing the area from a childrens perspective. Play is a central theme in New Eriksberg.